Join us once a month on a Saturday as we teach for the Triangle Swing Dance Society!
Check out the class description below and then click on the Buy Ticket button to sign up through the Triangle Swing Dance Society's website.
These events are suitable for all ages. No partner required.
Cost for a 1 hour class +
3 hours of social dancing starts at $14
Prices can vary depending on if there
is a DJ or live music.
Join us for a fun Beyond Basics Swing Dance lesson!
No partner needed as we will rotate in class and dance with everyone. If you do attend with a partner and want to stay with them for the entire class we can accommodate that as well.
We will be teaching a 1 hour lesson in 6-count swing, 8-count lindy, or lindy charleston where you will learn variations on the footwork, rhythms, and moves to get you doing more than just the basics! We highly encourage you to be comfortable dancing all of the styles listed above before joining us.
*dates and venues subject to change - please confirm on TSDS's website before coming to the event
Day Time Dates Location
Saturdays 7pm-11pm See TSDS site Carrboro CC & Murphey School
Triangle Swing Dance Society:
Carrboro Century Center
100 N Greensboro St
Carrboro, NC 27510
(919) 918-7385
Triangle Swing Dance Society:
Old Murphy School
3717 Murphy School Rd
Durham, NC 27705
(919) 656-8179